TOTS 100 - UK Parent Blogs

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Get Fit for 2013....

Money Supermarket have a new competition - "Get Fit Feel Epic competition from" and here's the link....

I found it on this blog....

and this post is about my fitness goals for 2013!

So I'm not very fit, I'm overweight, and I have arthritis - not a good starting point!

But we all have to start somewhere, so even from a low starting point I reckon I can make some progress this year.

1) Lose weight - easier said than done, right? For me it's all about portion control, increasing the exercise, and keeping the alcohol consumption down. So this year I'm going to have a go at all 3! You never know, the weight may just shift a little....

2) Keep fit - sometimes tricky if the arthritis is playing up, but even gentle exercise is good for you, so I'll keep on walking the kids to school, and maybe add in some swimming - finding the time is always an issue as a working Mum, but enough excuses, I'm just going to do it!

So those are my fitness goals - not huge or impressive, but realistic, I feel!